Organic gardener Karl Ploberger is convinced of U-greeny:
Karl Ploberger has already confirmed in his numerous books that he is a very versatile garden expert.
"For those who want to grow their own vegetables and flowers on small areas, the new U-greeny is the ideal solution!" so Ploberger
after personally taking a close look at the balcony raised bed. We are very happy about this praise!
What are your experiences with U-greeny?
Not everybody has got a garden. Even so, you too can grow your own vegetables on your terrace.
What special features did you notice at U-greeny?
Ugreeny is absolutely simple and uncomplicated. It is flexible in use, the boxes can be stacked, but you can also place them side by side. Water drainage is excellently managed, there is no stagnant water and everything grows just fine. Due to the organically curved shape of U-greeny, the plants get plenty of light and grow very well even in the box placed at the bottom.
For me, U-greeny is simple, modern and efficient.
Joanna Kuttner (Stilsicher)
Where and how did you place U-greeny?
We placed our U-greeny box on the balcony.
What are your experiences with U-greeny?
I think U-greeny is great because it allows me to cultivate all my desired vegetables and herbs on small spaces. Thanks to the modular structure, I can simply add or remove elements during the planting season and also change the general structure situation quickly, easily and simply at any time. At the end of the season, I put the elements together and can stow them in the basement with very little space
What are you planting in your U-greeny home garden?
I grow all sorts of vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.) and many different herbs (basil, oregano, etc.) with it. Sometimes I put some flowers as a decoration on top.
What special features did you notice at U-greeny?
So far, I have used small, conventional plastic raised beds, but with U-greeny, my harvest yield has increased many times over while using the same space.
Where and how did you place U-greeny?
Our U-greeny system is currently standing at the garage wall, facing south.
What are your experiences with U-greeny?
a) First realization was that the design made it very easy to separate the place
of gardening and the place of installation. The filling of the soil was done in the
garden, and then the individual boxes could be simply and cleanly brought to the place
of installation. Since the soil was dry, the individual containers had almost no weight.
b) When casting, there was no problem with our watering can to water every box nationwide.
What are you planting in your U-greeny home garden?
At the moment yellow mustard and Phaselia, in soil which we took from a bed
used this year. We will start right in the spring where we are still planning what is optimal for us.